Πέμπτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020




This Sacred Ellanio Text analyses and presents the angular measurements of the 27 symbols of our universal Ethereal Script αω.

It shows the geometrical development and the arithmetical results regarding the angles of the 27 symbols: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Omicron-Iota, Pi- Omicron-Iota, Digamma, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi and Omega.

Through this analysis, we realise that all symbols have one aim and purpose: the 9 NINE Creation where all Ellene humans will creatively and eternally ascend within it, and also create infinitely with Freedom, Justice, Virtue, Valour, Abundance, Equality and in the same way that these 27 symbols equally and truly create for our entire Creation.


12 Olympians: The 12 Olympians include:

Zeus/DIAS (as the leader), Hera, Artemis,

Athena, Hermes, Demeter, Apollo,

Aphrodite, Hephaistos, Ares, Hestia and

Poseidon. These entities are not fairy tales,

but actual forces of our Cosmokratoria,

each playing a part in the creation of the

human being and infinite other creations.

Their names also have a deeper meaning.

Their etymology and their symbols aren’t

by chance. Each Olympian entity

corresponds to each of our 12 Ellania


Aether «ΑΙΘΕΡΑΣ»: Is one of the three

primordial creations of Arrito En (The

Supreme Being of Light). Absolutely

everything consists of Aether. Aether is

what shapes absolutely everything within

Creation. Aether possesses all the

attributes of Arrito En in order to shape

everything, including our planet. An

example regarding Aether is the following:

if we remove the Aether from our planet,

then the entire size and volume of our

planet would fit into a ring. The Olympian

“Hera” and the symbol “η” represent the


You may read the Sacred Ellanio Text “Our

Ellanios Cosmos 600”, in order to find out

more about Aether.

Apostate: «ΑποστΑΤΗΣ». In reference to

these texts, it is a being, an entity that

renounces Nomoteleia and Creation. In

other words, they renounce their own self.

The Apostates are responsible for humans’

detachment from their source, origin and

creators. The etymology of the word

Apostate or Apostasy = Keeping a distance

«ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ». Essentially, it means

keeping a distance from your own true

Ellania Creation that originates from


The Arithmos NINE (9) and the Arithmos

ONE (1): Within our texts, the Arithmos

NINE (9) refers to the 9 “NEW” (En Nea)

Creation. In Greek: NINE = ΕΝΝΕΑ (EN NEA).

ΝΕΑ or ΝΕΟ = Something “NEW” (Nea or

Neo). Therefore, it is the “NEW” (En Nea)

divine Ellania Creation. Within the word

“EΝ-NΕΑ”, “En” is the first syllable. “En” or

“Ena” means ONE. Additionally, “En” can

also mean “in” or “within”. If we rearrange

the letters of the Greek word “Ena”

meaning ONE, the word “Nea” is created.

Therefore, we realise that both ONE and

NINE have a strong connection. An

example of a “NEW” creation within the

level of our life and existence that shows

this strong connection is the birth of a

human being, who is being carried in (En)

their mother’s womb for NINE months.

This Text, through its angular

measurements proves and reveals the “9

Creation”. To learn more about the “9

Creation” and The Absolute Unit 1, you

may read the Sacred Ellania Texts “The

Hierarchy of the 9 NINE” & “The Cosmic

Oraloi of the 13th, Omega”.

Arithmos and Number: (Arithmoi = plural).

Arithmoi are the following: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Arithmos means

the “rhythm” (rithmos «ΡΥΘΜΟΣ») of the

“ALPHA entities”. This is because Arithmos

«Α-ρυθμοσ» starts with the symbol “A”.

The ALPHA entities give the rhythm and

regulate «ρυθμιζουν» the entire

Creation of αω and all creations within it.

Numbers or numerals (Noumera in Greek)

are considered the numbers after 13 and

onwards. Noumera means Mera/Meri =


Parts of the Nou = Nous/Mind. Noumera

(numbers) is plural, while Noumero

(number) is singular.

Following is a general description of the

first nine arithmoi: Unit 1 or ι: It represents

the unit of creation. Additionally, The

Absolute Unit 1 is the Beginning and the

Creator of Everything. Zero 0 or O

(wholeness): It is formed by The Absolute

Unit 1 or ι, when it curves itself and joins

its two endpoints. 2: One of the code

names of the 13th, OMEGA. 3: It represents

a triad, acting as a whole unit. 4: Another

code name of the 13th, OMEGA. 5: Is the

sacred code of “The Divine”, “Synthesis”

and the security forces of Ellania Creation.

6: It represents the Ellanio IOTA creation.

7: It represents the seven-level Ellania

Creation and the 7th plane and level of

DIAS. 8: It represents Infinity. 9: It

represents the 9 “NEW” (En Nea) Ellania


Notice the shape of the symbols 9 and 6

which are reversed, opposite, different but

same in respect to creation, reflecting each

other through the creative cosmic-mirror.

This Text proves the true meaning of

“Arithmology” which means “The Reason

(logy from logic) of the Arithmoi”.

Creation and creation: «δημιουργΙΑ»

(pron. Dimiourgia). In these texts, the word

“creation” may be written in different

forms such as with a capital “C” or a lower

case “c” (Creation and creation,

respectively). In this way, we will indicate

that an initial Creation has created further

creations within it and in turn, these

creations will also create accordingly. This

is an immortal, eternal and perpetual

creative cycle. Therefore, in some cases

you may see the “9 Creation” as a “9

creation”, because it was created by

another Creation and its aim and purpose

is to also create. Additionally, theword

“creation” may indicate the process of

creating: i.e. “the creation of Hades”,

indicating that Hades was created through

a creational process, as it is analysed in the

Ellanio Text of “Mother Rhea”. It is

important to note here that in our Ethereal

Script, all symbols (a.k.a. letters) are in

capital and not lower case. In essence, all

creations and Creations are a wholeness

unit 1 ONE (one CREATION) creating

altogether. However, we have made some

adjustments in the English Text regarding

this matter for facilitation purposes.

Ellania Ethereal Script of ALPHA & OMEGA


ω» (pron. Ellania Aitheriki Grafi ton α & ω).

This is our Ellania Script of 27 Ellania true

and unique cosmic symbols. Each of these

symbols symbolises various cosmic

energies and forces that unite and

synthesise to make up all IOTA creations

including the Ellene human being. These

symbols of the cosmos, even though we

only see them as letters, are actually highly

intelligent forces above our level of

comprehension but are all innate within us.

24 out of the 27 symbols of our Script

originate from the two symbols: ALPHA α

and OMEGA ω, while the symbol Omicron

(wholeness) is related to the Alpha and

Omega symbols in a circular form.

However, a triad wholeness of symbols

with a circular form appears within our

Script (Theta, Omicron Iota, Omicron).

The ALPHA entities & the OMEGA are our

Divine Creators, whose symbols are α & ω

respectively. It should be noted that

“Alpha” is always plural in regard to the

Alpha entities, unless there are specific

references to the Alpha symbol itself.

OMEGA is always One, “The One”, the


Ellania Symbols: Our Ellania Creation

contains various sacred symbols, which are


presented and analysed within our Ellania

Texts. However, in regard to the 27

symbols that constitute our Ellania

Ethereal Script, their true nature and name

is “Symbols” that become “Letters” when

we apply them to paper.

Ellanios/Ellene vs. Hellene/Greek: The 2

terms Hellene and Greek are deviously

used as modern terms the last few

centuries. The true and correct terms

throughout antiquity are Ellanios and

Ellene «ελλΑνιοσ & ελλην». Moreover,

the correct term for Hellas/Greece is Ellas

«ελλΑΣ». In essence, Ellene = “He/She

who is made up of the Eternal Light” &

“He/She who will ascend to the Eternal

Light”. Ellanios «ελλΑνιοσ» is also used

quite frequently throughout these Sacred

Ellania Texts. It has a very sacred meaning

connecting the Ellene to their creators and

the cosmos, which is their origin. Both

terms Ellanio and Ellania also appear

depending on the noun that follows. It is

important to know that all humans are

Ellenes and likewise, all Ellenes are

humans. This is not a distinction between

race. It is the code name of the human


Throughout our texts, we utilise the word

"Greek" in regard to the language, since it

is the current known term worldwide. This

will gradually change into Ellene or

Ellanios, as humanity progresses into true


Geometrise (Geometrical Development

and Analysis): «γεΩμετρηση».

Geometrical development is the process of

applying geometry to our cosmic-symbols,

which synthesise a word and its cosmic-

meaning. This occurs due to the

geometrical shape and composition of the

cosmic-symbols. Consequently, this

creational geometrical process leads us to

arithmetical cosmic code-results that give

us answers regarding creation.

IOTA ι: «ιωτα». IOTA is the 9th symbol of

our Ethereal Script which symbolises all

creations within Creation and the

foundational pillar of DIAS. IOTA begins its

code name with the single and primordial

unit ι, the Creator of Everything. The Ellene

human is a IOTA creation. Cosmoses,

universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets

and all creations are also each IOTA

creations. There are also various

collectives of IOTA creations e.g. all

humanity is a IOTA creation. In English, we

even refer to ourselves as ι = IOTA

creation. E.g. I am.

Nous: «νουσ» Nous means Mind. Nous is

the divine Mind that created everything

with intellect and reason according to

“Divine Design” and Nomoteleia.

Everything is Nous and everything is

created by Nous. Through Nous and

cognitive process, we perceive what is real,

true, ortho (correct) and existing, namely

our entire Cosmotheasis of Creation. Nous

exists within all and everything and

enlightens every part of our true existence

with its luminous hyper-attributes.

Primordial Substance: «πΑτρΩΑ ΟΥΣΙΑ».

It is the substance innate within us that

connects us with our creators and with

divine Ellania Creation. It is carried through

the hereditary genetic code of the

chromosomes, stemming directly from our

divine creators and containing all the

information of entire Creation.

Summation: This refers to the process of

addition regarding numbers and arithmoi.

For example, the summation of 432 is 4 + 3

+ 2 = 9. The process of summation is

associated with the geometrical

development that occurs frequently within

our Sacred Ellania Texts. 





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